Connecting Support & Development Teams

Top 5 Business Reasons to Integrate Salesforce & Azure DevOps Today!

Team Quantum Whisper - Sep 12, 2024 10:26:10 PM

An image of a seamless integration process between Salesforce and Azure DevOps, enhancing communication and accelerating issue resolution between supp

Salesforce and Azure DevOps integration offers several business benefits, especially when it comes to support teams and case management. While Salesforce and Azure DevOps integration is applicable to other areas in CRM as well (e.g., to support ITSM, project management or operations), for the purpose of this post, we'll focus on customer support case escalation to engineering for issue resolution in the context of a purpose built and packaged solution. This solution is ideal for ISVs but is also relevant to enterprise customers that have developed internal or "home grown" applications to support their business. 

Let’s dive into the top 5 business reasons to integrate Salesforce and Azure DevOps...

  1. Streamlined Process:
    • When you integrate Salesforce with Azure DevOps, your support teams can escalate cases seamlessly, either automatically or at the click of a button. Customer support can create new work items directly from Salesforce CRM, providing accelerated engineering review, prioritization and ultimately, case resolution.
    • A streamlined process for both support and engineering teams ensures that process updates are shared in real-time, thereby enhancing response times between departments, accelerating customer updates and reducing the overall cycle time it takes to successfully close cases.
  2. Transparent & Timely Communication:
    • A well-integrated Salesforce and Azure DevOps solution provides transparent communication throughout the entire process (case escalation and work item lifecycle).
    • Integrating Salesforce and Azure DevOps eliminates the data and information gap between support and development teams. No more "impediments" or "blockers" due to lack of information.
    • The result is increased focus time and less disruption for engineers, while support benefits from improved productivity (less follow-up provides more time to service customers). Both teams benefit from increased job satisfaction.
  3. Provides Advanced Automation: 
    • With automated case escalation, support teams eliminate double entry (i.e., Salesforce case and Azure DevOps work item). Besides and lets be honest, even the best "copy and pasters" make mistakes ;)
    • By connecting support and development teams, interdepartmental friction is all but eliminated. Collaboration is increased as both teams benefit from automation and timely access to key information, for example, work item status or release date. Note, the best solutions have configurable escalation triggers.
    • Daily or weekly support/development review or status meetings are either eliminated are significantly reduced freeing up valuable time to respectively focus on customer service and innovation.
  4. Enables Self-service:
    • With seamless integration, case details are accessible in Azure DevOps and work item details can be viewed directly in Salesforce. Both teams benefit from eliminating time consuming interruptions and arduous follow-up emails, texts, etc.
    • At any time, support can self-serve by viewing updated Azure DevOps work item details within the Salesforce interface, in this instance, within a case. No need to go to Azure DevOps or reach out to a colleague for work item details. The best systems allow you to not only access this information from within Salesforce, but they also make it configurable to suit your goals.
  5. Improves Customer Satisfaction:
    • Quicker resolution leads to happier customers and enhanced customer satisfaction.
    • When issues are resolved promptly, customers feel valued and are more likely to have a positive perception of the service and the company.
    • Increased efficiency and faster case resolution means that customer service teams can handle more cases in less time, improving overall productivity and reducing case backlogs.
    • When customers experience swift and effective service, they are more likely to remain loyal to the brand and recommend the product to others.

In summary, integrating Salesforce and with Azure DevOps streamlines processes, enhances communication, and accelerates issue resolution.  It’s a win-win for both development and support teams! Lastly, if you're still not convinced that integrating Salesforce and Azure DevOps is great for your business, we invite you to try our purpose built integration ROI calculator. 🚀


Topics: Azure DevOps- Salesforce

Team Quantum Whisper

Team Quantum Whisper

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